Instructions for Scenic Artist...(c)1990 Charles Gulick ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 1. Load the program by typing SA. Do that now. 2. Access the Help menu by pressing F1. Do that now. 3. F1 is a toggle--it both enters and exits Help. Try it now. 4. Follow the menu as its elements are described: 5. /Ss, /Ee etc. after menu items indicates the keys used for cycling forward (S) or backward (s) through available sky, earth etc. colors. 6. ; indicates an additional keypress is required, e.g. p;e = p then e. 7. F2 (New) erases to the default screen and colors. 8. Alt-S clears the area above the horizon to the current sky color. 9. Alt-E clears the area below the horizon to the current earth color. 10. Alt-W clears the area below the horizon to the current water color. 11. Alt-C paints a random cloud. 12. Alt-8 (*) paints random stars, visible only against dark skies. 13. Alt-T and/or Alt-Y paint distant hills on the horizon. 14. H raises the horizon, wiping out all below (but not above). 15. h lowers the horizon, wiping out all above (but not below). 16. Alt-H "rolls" the horizon, using the current color at the horizon. 17. Ctrl-B "breaks" the horizon, using the current cloud color. 18. Alt-F paints a random foreground. It will not be visible if earth and foreground are the same color, which they are until you change one. 19. Alt-L paints a random lake or shoreline using the current water color. 20. Alt-M and Alt-N paint mountains on the right or left side of the screen. 21. Alt-X exits Scenic Artist. 22. p followed by e or w paints "patches" of earth or water. 23. . followed by e,m,n or f "sprays" earth, R or L mountains, or foreground. 24. g and G paint low or high "growth" on--as pressed--earth, water, etc. 25. Alt-B followed by e,m,n or f paints "blendshapes" on those surfaces. 26. Alt-B followed by w paints wavecaps on water using the current orb color. 27. a enables an artist positioning dot, found at center screen just below the horizon. The keypad arrows (Num Lock OFF) allow you to move the dot. Shift-Arrows enable fine adjustment. Shift-5 fixes the final location. This "a" positioning is required for all functions in the rightmost column of the Help menu which are marked